Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Love conquers all!

Bah! Not when it comes to stepfamilies - the blending of two families into one big happy family. That wholesome and heart-warming television series, the Brady Bunch, made it all sound so easy. But, as we stepparents can attest, the reality is very, very different.

I live with my partner, my 18 year-year-old son, my 16 year-old daughter and my partner's 18 year-old son. My nephew, also 18, boards with us. My partner has two daughters - a 16-year-old who recently moved to the city, five hours away, to live with my partner's sister while she qualifies as a beautician - and a 14-year-old who lives with her mother in the same town as us.

Welcome to my Blog about the daily trials, tears and joys of our step-family. Dealing with exes, learning to like someone else's kids and trying to merge a family where our children are as different as chalk and cheese. There are many others like us with tales of wit and wisdom to share. We look forward to sharing our experiences and benefitting from yours.

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